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Terrell Elementary School

Home of the Koalas

Library Home


Our Library


LCISD Mission Statement
The mission of Lamar Consolidated ISD Librarians is to create a physical and digital environment in which our students, staff, and community can strengthen their natural inquisitive nature, foster a love of reading, and serve as a collaborative resource for teachers and staff in developing and delivering powerful learning experiences across all curricular areas.

At Terrell Elementary, we inspire students to connect with their passion, equip them with the tools to create new knowledge, and encourage them to contribute to our world in every way they can imagine.


Our library is:

  • A welcoming, comfortable environment conducive for maximum student learning and collaboration.
  • An all-encompassing entity for encouraging students to become lifelong learners, as well as critical thinkers.
  • An encouraging body committed to facilitate strategies that stimulate student centered learning in academics, research, and technology.   
  • Meets the needs of both the faculty and the students.

It is my vision that a superior library media program should be the heart of the school where everyone feels comfortable and takes ownership of all the knowledge cultivated there.


Library Activities
The library sponsors one Book Fair in the fall and a Read-A-Thon in the spring. These events are to encourage at home reading and the proceeds are used to help buy books and pay for special library events and programs. In addition, the library sponsors several voluntary reading enrichment programs including Spring Book Festival (PK-5), the Beanstack Monthly and District Reading Challenges, the Rockets Read Nation (K-5), the Panda Express Reading Program and the Birthday Book Club.


LCISD Family Selection Policy
Lamar CISD families are encouraged to monitor and adjust student selection of library materials based on their individual family values. Family expectations regarding library books checked out by a student should be discussed with the student by the guardian and reviewed as necessary to ensure the student understands their family expectations. Books may be returned to the library at any time if a student or parent objects to the content. 

Students Checkout
Kindergarten can check out one book per week. Their books will remain in the classroom, Students in first grade may check out one book during the first semester and then 2 books for the remainder of the year.  Students in second through fifth grade may check out two books. Students may not check out any books unless the previous ones are returned or renewed.

All books are expected to be kept in a Ziploc bag (Library Book Bag) to protect them from damage.  Book Bags were passed out at the beginning of the year or given to a new student at their 1st Library Checkout. 


Book Policies

Students may not check out new books if the previous ones have not been returned or renewed. By Lamar C.I.S.D. policy, students are required to pay the replacement cost of any book that is lost or damaged beyond repair. Students will receive printed reminders. If a book cannot be found, the student will bring home reminder/lost book notices.  Lost book payments will collected throughout the year and in May.  Cash or checks payable to Terrell Elementary will only be accepted.  


Damaged Books

When a book is returned damaged beyond repair, the replacement cost of the book will be charged. Damage to library materials includes but is not limited to: spills from food, drink or other substances; damage to cover or spine; cutting or tearing pages; or writing with pencil, pen, markers, etc.

Cash or personal checks are acceptable forms of payment to cover the replacement cost of damaged books.  Please make personal checks out to Terrell Elementary.


Lost Books

Once a book is 30 days past due, the system will mark it as "lost" and students will be charged for the replacement cost of the book. If the book is found and returned in good condition, the fee will be dropped. If the student has already paid for the book but finds and returns it in good condition (during the same school year), then the amount paid will be refunded.  

Cash or personal checks are acceptable forms of payment to cover the replacement cost of lost books.  Please make personal checks out to Terrell Elementary.


Library volunteers are an essential part of our library program. They help run the circulation desk, label, and shelve books, and prep materials which allows the librarian to devote more time to teach children the valuable skills of enjoying literature and becoming information experts.

Please contact Mrs. Jurkowski at if you are interested in volunteering. WE would love to have you help our library program. Together, we can make a difference for our Koalas!!  


Read-A-Thon runs from March 17th through March 28th 

Read-A-Thon Information Sheet


Read-A-Thon Flyer



LCISD Spring Book Festival 

Spring Book Festival Flyer     



Welcome Koalas!


Terrell Library Catalog


Ida Jurkowski

Library Hours 7:45am – 3:00pm

Jurkowski Bitmoji
















LCISD Library Services Page

LCISD Library Events Page


Look at What is Happening in our Library…

Feb Library Stats